Identifying the Best Kitchen Cabinets

Kitchen cabinets can significantly alter the appearance of your kitchen with their stylistic tendencies. Apart from their aesthetic appeal they also represent an essential storage solution. It’s important to identify reliable alternatives when looking to replace them. 

Some of the aspects you should consider when looking for the most suitable cabinets for your kitchen remodel project include: 

Going Green 

Particleboard cabinets offer an affordable and eco-friendly means of sprucing up your kitchen. Particleboards are made from sawdust and chips of wood that are collected and glued together by applying immense pressure. These cabinets can be easily mounted using screws and are known for their durability. 


The space available should be considered when looking for a suitable size. Large cabinets installed in a tight space can leave the section looking cramped and force-fit. You can choose to add to the number of cabinets while reducing the size to try and match the dimensions of the room. 

Surrounding Environment 

Your environment can play a significant role in choosing the most suitable material for your needs. Softwood alternatives, for instance, wouldn’t be recommendable in a humid climate. Stainless steel might not be comfortable to handle in frigid conditions. We offer excellent cabinet options for varying kitchen needs, so call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!…

Kitchen Remodeling on a Budget

One of the main things that make homeowners hesitant about implementing a kitchen remodel is the potential costs involved. The right contractor can help you circumvent the significant expenses involved with extensive alterations while still enhancing aesthetics. 

Some useful tips you can use to lower your overall remodeling budget include: 

Take it in Stages 

There’s no law stating that your kitchen remodeling project must be accomplished in one go. If you’re intent on extensive alterations, your contractor can help you develop a to-do list that can be accomplished along an extended timeline. You can start with the essentials and then work your way through the aesthetics. 

Replace your Cabinet Doors 

Many people don’t consider that they don’t have to install a new set of cabinets to change the look of the room. You can accomplish the same objective by changing the cabinet doors and introducing a new color scheme. You can choose a different design to further promote a new look. 

Extending your Island Countertop 

Instead of installing a whole new countertop, you can hire a contractor to extend the existing one to alter the final dimensions. The addition can be configured to match traffic patterns and accommodate maneuverability. We offer exciting affordable options when it comes to kitchen remodeling projects, so call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!…

What to Consider With a Kitchen Remodel

You can enjoy several benefits with a kitchen remodel, but the process itself isn’t always as straightforward as one might assume. There are multiple elements to consider when taking on this project. 

Some important things to consider with your Newton MA kitchen remodeling project include: 

The Floorplan 

The floorplan determines the overall outlay of your room, and it’s essential to include this aspect in any design. A floor plan depicts the correlation between the spaces of a room and the traffic patterns availability. This information can help you fully utilize the space available. 

Plumbing and Electrical Work 

In most areas, any significant plumbing or electrical work will require some kind of permit. An established contractor can help you assess which permits you’ll require, and perhaps which ones you can avoid by slightly altering your plans. Such an approach can save time and money. You’ll also need to ensure any such work is done according to code. 

Stick to the Schedule 

The dates you set for the remodel should be set in stone where possible unless a contractor needs to alter the schedule for practical or unavoidable circumstances. Changing the schedule on your side, or canceling after a commitment can lead to a significant loss of funds. If you’re looking for the best contractors in your town, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!…

Stages of a Kitchen Remodel

Categorizing your kitchen remodel into stages can make the entire process easier to understand. The activities involved might seem chaotic once commenced unless you can map them to an actual strategy. In general terms, a basic kitchen remodeling process takes place in three primary stages, namely: 


This initial stage involves preparing the surface involved for the activities to come. Generally, this involves clearing the section of any movable objects to enhance maneuverability. A quick clean-up can also get rid of any loose dirt and dust but isn’t always necessary – depending on the activities ahead. 


The next stage can be referred to as the clearance stage. Any fixtures such as tiles, sinks, and faucets are demolished or disassembled at this stage. This stage can get a little messy, but can easily be accomplished if the original job was installed adequately. You can choose to handle the first two stages as a DIY if you’re trying to save some money. 


The final stage involves the installation of the new or refurbished fixtures. This can be accomplished in a few days or a matter of hours – depending on the nature of the activities involved. This stage should be handled by professionals for higher chances of success. If you’re seeking an established contracting firm, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!…

Where to Start With Your Kitchen Remodel

A kitchen remodel is a great way to enhance the resale value of your home. It can also be a bit overwhelming if you have no prior experience. If you’re thinking about undertaking such a project, there are a few things you can get underway before hiring a contractor. 

Some of the things you can do to get things started with your kitchen remodeling project include: 

Consult a Professional 

It’s essential to consult a professional regarding aspects such as licensing, permits, and practical requirements. If you would like to tile your floors and install a new island, you might need to perform some major plumbing work that requires a permit. Failure to get these permits can lead to expensive fines. 

Notify your Neighbors 

If the work involved is going to get a bit noisy, notifying your neighbors can be a courteous way of avoiding any future arguments. Generally, it’s polite not to plan any work in the early hours, with the noisiest tasks preferably taking place in the afternoon – when most people are away doing errands or at the office. 

Cordon off the Area 

Cordoning off the area beforehand ensures the workers won’t be disturbed once they get to work. Depending on your home’s layout, you can accomplish this objective with a few strips of plastic sheeting. If you’re looking for experienced kitchen remodelers in your area, call us today!

Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!…

Types of Kitchen Remodels

Remodeling your kitchen can come with several benefits for you and your home. If it’s your first time considering this project, you might not be sure about what to prioritize. Kitchen remodels can generally be categorized according to two primary groups, extensive remodels and general makeovers. 

Extensive Remodels 

As the name suggests, an extensive Newton MA kitchen remodeling project involves an in-depth look at the functionality of this space. An extensive remodel will deal with plumbing, major construction, and electrical wiring. Hiring a licensed contractor is recommendable for this project, as most of these activities require permits. 

General Makeovers 

General makeovers focus on the aesthetics of the kitchen and are usually easier to implement. Such a project will involve activities like altering surface areas, changing color schemes, and refurbishing fixtures. You can choose to re-tile your backsplash, for instance, or install a fresh laminate top for your island. General makeovers typically take shorter periods to complete compared to extensive projects. 

Whether you’re dealing with an extensive remodel or general makeover, hiring professional help enhances your chances of quality results. If you’re looking for a reliable contractor with affordable services, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!…

What to Consider When Remodeling Your Bathroom

Remodeling your bathroom is a great way to enhance the overall functionality of your residence and enhance its resale value. Revamping this area can also enhance your shower or bathing experience – allowing you to fully get into the groove of the mood. 

Some of the things you should consider with a bathroom remodel include: 

Permits and Licenses 

If your remodel will involve any major plumbing or electrical work, you’ll likely need several permits to conduct the work. Depending on your location, any official contracting work will also likely require the company involved to be properly licensed. Failure to identify any potential permits you might need could lead to hefty fines. 

Utilization of Space 

It’s essential to consider available space beforehand when considering a bathroom remodel. Any changes or additions made shouldn’t infringe on the traffic flow, for instance, meaning the room shouldn’t be too cramped afterward. It’s essential to consider aspects such as size, shape, and dimension when dealing with the addition of new fixtures. 

Cleaning and Maintenance 

The final layout you settle on should be easy to clean and maintain. Including fixtures requiring specialized cleaning processes or tools for maintenance raises your costs in the long term. If you’re looking for reliable contractors in your area, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!…

When Should You Remodel Your Bathroom?

Remodeling projects can represent a significant investment for homeowners, especially when dealing with functional areas such as bathrooms. Considering the costs involved, not everyone is eager to splurge on a bathroom until needed. 

Some sure signs that you probably need to undertake a bathroom remodeling project include: 

Span of Time 

Many contractors will recommend conducting a bathroom remodel every five to ten years, depending on the materials involved. If your bathroom tiling is ceramic, it’s likely to have a longer shelf-life than laminate and won’t need replacing for a longer period. 

A Drop in Functionality 

In some cases, the bathroom itself might look good, but the fixtures won’t work too well. If only one of two faucets is working, water takes a long time to heat up and the showerhead sputters after a period, a remodel will represent more of a necessity than an alternative. It should be noted that remodels address functionality as well as appearance. 


If your new living conditions make your bathroom impractical, then it’s time for a remodel. If your partner moves in with you, for example, you might need additional space or extra storage when dealing with bathroom needs. Hiring an established contractor enhances your chances of a successful remodeling project, so call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!…

Benefits of Remodeling your Bathroom

The bathroom is one of the more common areas involved when dealing with remodeling projects. It can be argued that along with the kitchen, the bathroom is one of the spaces that come to mind when looking to revamp a section of a house. Some of the benefits of remodeling a bathroom include: 

Increases Resale Value 

One of the major benefits of any renovation is the fact it increases the resale value of the residence involved. The levels by which this value is enhanced will depend on the kind of improvements made with a remodel. In most cases, the more extensive the remodel, the higher the potential resale value. The value can increase by a couple of thousand to tens of thousands of dollars. 

Enhances Efficiency 

A bathroom remodeling project offers an excellent opportunity for you to improve the efficiency of this space. This can be accomplished in several ways, including improving the water flow, increasing storage capacity, and reinstalling lighting fixtures. A remodeling project allows you to address all these issues in one go. 

Update the Layout 

If your bathroom was designed during the more classical era, you might take the opportunity to remodel to bring it into the new century. Adding safe electrical ports for multiple appliances and improving ventilation are just some of the things you can do. To hire reliable contracting services call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!…

The Best Time to Remodel Your Bathroom

If you’re thinking about remodeling your bathroom, one of the primary aspects you should consider is the timing of the project. Scheduling can play an essential role in elements like pricing, suitability for some activities, and ease of application. Some of the issues you should consider when choosing the best time for remodeling your bathroom include: 


Spring and Summer generally represent the best times for a bathroom renovation as they’re the warmer periods of the year. The spring also comes with tax returns and holiday bonuses that can potentially be reverted towards your Newton MA bathroom remodeling project. The winter season is a good time to get discounts from contractors, as work is usually slow at this time. 


It’s generally considered common courtesy to restrain any loud work from taking place in the morning when dealing with remodeling, for the sake of the neighbors. No one wants to wake up to the clanging sounds of hammering, sawing, and machinery. Conducting such activities in the afternoon is best. 


The holidays come with multiple promotions in different industries and the construction market is no different. Waiting until the holiday season can give you multiple choices when it comes to discounts and markdowns. If you’re looking for reliable, affordable contractors in the market, call us today!

Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!…

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