Benefits of Painting Your House

Leaving your residence to take on a dilapidated appearance with the paint peeling off the walls and fading to oblivion in some sections is never a good look, and can be quite costly in the long run. Some of the benefits you can enjoy with getting a paint job include: 

Enhancing the Resale Value 

If you view your house as a future investment, then it’s essential to ensure this asset remains in the best possible condition and can potentially rise in value. The best way of ensuring this objective is through maintaining its overall condition. Hiring a painting contractor can raise the value of the house in terms of aesthetics and related factors. 

Enhances Curb Appeal 

Unless you live out in the middle of nowhere, you likely have a couple of neighbors around you. The last thing you want is to have your house sticking out like a sore thumb in the middle of a beautiful suburb. This not only has to do with conformity, but the potential pride you can have in the property you own. 

Protect against the Elements 

A fresh coat of paint can protect against external elements including harsh weather, humid conditions, and insects. Although seemingly insignificant when taken at face value, these aspects can wreak havoc on your residence over an extended period. If you’re looking for affordable painting services, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor.…

What to Consider When Painting Your House

A straightforward means of renovating the exterior of your house is by simply giving it a fresh coat of paint. However, several factors should be taken into consideration when considering this project. How you plan for this activity can affect the potential success you enjoy in the end. 

Some of the things you should keep in mind before hiring a house painter include: 

Provide a Clean Slate 

One element that a lot of people don’t take into consideration is the fact that paint doesn’t easily stick to dirty surfaces. You can get rid of this dirt the old-fashioned way with a scrub and bucket of water, or subject it to a pressure wash to speed up the process. 

Prepping the Surface 

Any cracks, obtrusive bumps, and jutting nails should also be addressed. Cracks can be filled in with caulk, while obtrusive bumps can be sanded down to provide a smooth surface. Nails that are sticking out can either be removed and replaced or simply hammered back in place. 

Use a Primer 

Primers ensure the final coat of paint can successfully adhere to the surface. Some paint brands offer products that serve as a primer and second coat combined. If you would like this job handled by a professional, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor.…

The Importance of Consulting a Contractor Before a Paint Job

Paint jobs may appear like a simple activity that can be handled as a DIY project. However, any professional will tell you there’s a major difference between an amateur job and professional work. If you’re looking for quality work that adheres to professional standards, hiring a contractor is your best shot of success.

Some of the primary reasons you should consult a painting contractor when considering this project include: 

Access to Multiple Samples 

Before sending a painter to your residence, most contracting companies offer their clients a chance of going through various samples to identify the best color schemes for their needs. You might already have a particular color in mind, but this can quickly change when presented with different alternatives you hadn’t previously considered. 

Getting a Clear Picture of What’s to Come 

If it’s your first time undertaking a residential paint job project, you might not know what to expect. Consulting a contracting company will give you a clear picture of what to expect. Familiarizing yourself with the different stages to come can allow you to properly prepare for the project. 

Many contracting companies offer free consultation services as part of their provisions to ensure customer satisfaction. Taking advantage of these services is a great way to go through your options and clarify any lingering questions. If you would like to book a professional consultation, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor.…

How to Prepare for an Interior Paint Job

Residential paint jobs are generally categorized into exterior and interior projects. These categories are generally approached in different ways because of the nature of the activities involved. Some of the things you should consider when addressing an interior paint job include: 

Clearing the Room 

The first step with any interior paint job is to remove any portable items from the space involved before the Newton MA painter arrives. This includes any electronics, appliances, or movable furniture. Items that are too bulky to move should be centered in one spot and covered to protect them from any unintended splashes. 

Cleaning the Walls 

Many people don’t consider their walls when conducting cleaning activities, meaning a layer of dust, dirt, and stains settle on them over an extended period. Scrubbing down the walls allows the painters to get straight to work upon their arrival which can greatly save time. A clean wall ensures the paint used can effectively bond with the surface it’s applied on. 

Give the Workers some Space 

It’s better to clear the workspace of anyone who’s not involved with the painting, to allow contractors to work efficiently and avoid potential accidents. Having your little children running through the rooms being painted can be a major distraction and lead to spilled cans of paint and other mishaps. If you want a professional interior paint job done, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor.…

Choosing the Right Painting Contractor for Your House

One of the major benefits of getting your house painted is increasing its resale value. The best way to ensure this is by hiring a professional to complete the project. Some of the issues you should consider when looking through service providers in this criteria include: 

Companies vs. One-Man Armies 

Opting for an established contracting company is recommendable as compared to hiring one person to get the job done. Although a painting contractor can work alone and do a good job, the project will likely take a significantly longer time to complete. Granted they could hire extra help, but such tactics could also lower the overall standards of the work done. 

Established Background/History 

The company you choose should also have a proven record of having successfully undertaken such projects in the past. The dawn of the internet has made it easy for a lot of false prophets to falsify information and publish fake reviews – so it’s important to do your research. 

Conducting Preliminary Interviews 

It might be easy to just simply choose a painter and give them the job, but this approach doesn’t guarantee assured results. Taking time to interview potential candidates before settling on a final choice enhances your chances of finding the right painter for your needs. If you’re looking for a reliable painter, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor.…

Why You Should Hire a Professional House Painter

Painting your house might seem like an easy activity, but there are a lot of things to consider when it comes to initiating an actual plan of action. If you’re simply looking to slap on a fresh coat over the old one, then a DIY project might be suitable. However, if you want the work to look professional – then you’ll need to hire a professional. 

Some excellent reasons why you should hire a professional painter include: 

Better Quality

No matter how much previous experience you might have with painting projects, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll be able to conduct the work as well as an expert would. There’s a major difference between amateur exposure and professional training. Just because you’ve done it before doesn’t mean you’re on the same level as someone with certified skills. 

Faster Completion 

Many contracting companies will have the manpower available to finish big projects in a reasonably short period of time. If you need to maintain a particular schedule with your painting project, then handling the scope of work involved with your friends and family might not cut it. 

Avoid Cleaning Up the Aftermath 

A lot of people don’t consider the significant mess that results from a major painting project. Luckily taking care of this problem is part of the services included with a professional. If you’re not keen on cleaning up after a major project call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor.…

Choosing the Right Exterior Color for Your House

Painting your house is a great way to enhance its authentic attributes. There are a variety of things that should be considered when picking out the actual color to be used. A few things you should consider when choosing a particular hue can include: 

Housing Community Regulations 

Some homeowners associations can influence the particular colors you can choose for your house. Although it’s not a nationwide practice, it’s advisable to ensure you’re not potentially infringing on any community regulations before settling on a particular hue with your Newton MA painter. 

Mixing and Matching 

Integrating two or three colors in a color scheme is usually the rule of thumb when painting the outside of your house. Many people think that these choices should belong to the same hue but represent different shades. However, you can also opt for different colors, as long as they go together. An off-white shade, for example, can be completed by a dull gray tone. Dark brown, on the other hand, can go well with a pale yellow. 

Use Test Samples 

Before settling on a final decision, you should take a moment to see what your choices look like in real life. You can request small samples of the colors you have in mind and paint a miniature section of a wall to see how it looks. If you would like some professional advice on the best color for your house call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor.…

Choosing the Right Materials for Your Bathroom Remodel

One of the essential elements of any renovation project is the materials chosen for the activities. Depending on what’s involved, you might have to choose between wide arrays of materials. In most cases, identifying the right properties in any material is crucial to making the right decision. 

Contacting an established Newton MA bathroom remodeling contractor is your best shot of getting valid information when looking for materials. Two primary issues that should be considered when making this decision include: 

Moisture Resistance 

The first thing that should come to mind with any bathroom renovation is the element of moisture. Dampness and humidity are attributes that form part of any bathroom. Finding materials that can function efficiently in these conditions is crucial to any potential success. This is especially true when dealing with areas around the tub and shower. 

Heat Resistance 

It’s safe to say that hot showers are a popular option for people around the world. This means that apart from excessive moisture, bathrooms will also be subjected to significant levels of heat. This exposure can happen frequently in one day in households that need to share bathrooms, and as such can’t be ignored. If you’re looking for reliable bathroom remodeling consultancy services call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor.…

Trending Bathroom Designs

Bathroom renovation can be a somewhat daunting task when it comes to developing fresh ideas. Taking the time to look up current trends setting the pace in this sector can ensure your remodel doesn’t end up looking lackluster. Some trending bathroom designs that are making waves include: 

Even Space in the Middle 

Developing a central space that is equidistant to different sections of the room has gained popularity in spatial designs. A bathroom remodel achieves this by situating features and fixtures along the walls, and implementing a “slender” approach where the cabinets and furniture are streamlined and not too bulky. 

Oversized Tiles 

Oversized tiles in your bathroom design can greatly change the overall look of this space. 6X8” and 12X12” are the usual dimensions implemented with tiles. Homeowners are starting to deviate from these sizes and opting for shockingly large alternatives such as 24X24”. These tiles offer a stately look to the space involved. 

Freestanding Bathtubs 

Another trend that’s quickly gaining traction is freestanding bathtubs, with many opting to initiate some space around this section. This can be a great look, but you have to consider certain elements like the splashback and spillover, which can increase the surface area susceptible to slipperiness. Hiring established companies can help you identify great solutions for your bathroom, so call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor.…

Elements of a Successful Bathroom Remodel

If it’s your first time conducting a bathroom remodel, you might not know exactly what to expect. Apart from the tangible quality available with the work, some elements can highlight the potential success of such a project. Some of these can include: 

Looking Under the Hood 

No matter how beautiful a space might look at the end of a bathroom remodeling project, it’s essential that it also represents efficient functionality. Any issues dealing with plumbing, for instance, should be addressed before focusing on aesthetic qualities. Your bathtub might look elegant, but that won’t matter if the hot water doesn’t work. 

Longevity and Durability 

Unfortunately, it’s pretty much impossible to confirm the longevity or durability of the various fixtures and features of a remodel until a decent amount of time has passed. However, if you notice some miniature cracks in the tiles after a few months, for instance, you might need to worry about how long your remodel will last. Two to three months is a fair period to determine durability. 

Guarantees and Security 

Another element of any established remodel service is the provision of a safety net that guards against any shoddy work that comes to light in the future. Insurance provisions for the future can be seen as a sign of confidence in the provider’s work. If you’re looking for an established remodeling service, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor.…

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