Hardwood vs. Cement Floors

Flooring is one of the more expensive ventures involved with a home remodel, and as such making decisions regarding this sector aren’t something that can be taken lightly. Replacing your floors isn’t something that happens every few years, however, so you’ll have to ensure that you’re fully satisfied with your decision. 

Two popular flooring options available include hardwood and cement. Both options represent durable and affordable alternatives but are very different from each other. 

Hardwood Floors 

Hardwood flooring is more expensive compared to concrete because it’s not as available as its counterpart. It’s also more susceptible to damage and scratches if not properly cared for, but the surface can also be refinished several times. It offers a more elegant presentation and requires a higher level of expertise to install. 

Cement Floors 

Cement is an excellent material for outdoor flooring and is one of the most durable options on the market. One of the major drawbacks of this option is that its weight makes it unsuitable for upper-level floors. It’s easy to maintain and can take several days to cure before it’s ready for use. 

If you’re looking for the best flooring solutions at an affordable rate, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!…

Hiring the Best Contractor for Your Needs

If you’re thinking about initializing a home remodel project, hiring a professional contractor can significantly enhance your chances of success. 

Some tips you can use to identify the best contractor for your needs include: 

Conduct Face-to-face Interviews 

Always make a point of scheduling a face-to-face interview with the candidates you’re thinking of hiring. A personal meeting will allow you to get a feel of the person involved, which can help you determine whether you can develop a smooth working relationship with them. 

Walk the Final Candidates through the Spaces Involved 

Once you have whittled down the list of candidates you’d like to contact, you can schedule a time to walk these contractors through the spaces involved. Explaining the changes you want and any related details at this point can help you gauge the contractor’s confidence in meeting your needs. It will also allow them to get a firsthand account of the Newton MA home remodeling project. 

Request Presentation Proposals 

A good way to get a visual account of a contractor’s plan is to have the candidate draw up a presentation on your behalf. These presentations can come in the form of a virtual exhibition on the computer or in hard copy in the form of a portfolio. If you’re looking for the best contracting services in the industry, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!…

Home Remodeling on a Budget

One of the major issues that make a lot of homeowners hesitant about undertaking a remodel is the potential costs involved. Unless you’re dealing with purely cosmetic alterations, there is a good chance that a few of the fixes will be costly. 

Some great ways you can lower the overall expenses of your remodel project include: 

Wait for the Off-Peak Season 

A lot of remodels take place during the summer because of the sunny weather and holidays available. The winter offers little to no business for most contractors and a remodeling company is likely to lower their prices during this season. Planning your remodel for the winter is a great way to get a good deal on the project. 

Look Out for Discounts 

You can intentionally look out for deals and discounts. A good strategy to implement with your search is to look out for deals related to holidays in the summer such as independence, memorial, and labor day. Many companies appreciate these holidays with cut-price marks and concessions. 

Source your Materials 

If you’re not dealing with a major home remodel, finding your own materials can be cheaper than allowing a contractor to handle this part of the project. There are several affordable options available, including refurbished and recycled material. If you’re looking for the best remodeling services in Newton, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!…

Preparing for a Home Remodel Project

A home remodel is an excellent way of improving your house’s functionality and improve its resale value. However, before any of these benefits can be enjoyed, you’ll need to get through the potential chaos of the activities involved. If it’s your first time undertaking such a venture, some of the things you can do to prepare for a remodel include: 

Prioritize your Activities 

It’s essential to prioritize the different activities involved with your remodeling project. Your contractor can help you plan the different aspects of your project in a means that will ensure everything is completed on time. In most cases, bigger tasks will tend to take precedence over smaller ones. 

Plan for Potential Delays 

Very few things ever go according to plan, especially when dealing with something as hectic as a home remodeling project. If the contractor says they can complete the work in a week, for example, adding a few extra days to that timeline is a good way to play it safe. That way even if you suffer unexpected delays you can still stay on schedule. 

Identify Solutions Beforehand 

You need to come up with ideal solutions for the rooms involved with the remodel. If you’re working on the kitchen, for example, you need to devise a new food preparation area until the remodel is done. We offer the best home remodel services in Newton, so call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!…

Benefits of a Home Remodeling Project

Remodeling your home can bring about multiple benefits when successfully accomplished. Apart from enhancing aesthetics, this opportunity also allows homeowners to improve the functionality of their residence. As such, a home remodel can potentially raise the resale value of the house concerned. 

Some other benefits you can enjoy when hiring remodeling contractors include: 

Upgrading Systems 

Home remodels offer individuals the chance to upgrade any antiquated systems that are past their prime. Areas like the ventilation system could do with an upgrade to include any new prevention and detection systems found in modern homes. You could also change the water management system to reduce the amount of water spent. 

Improved Floor Plan 

A home remodel also allows you the opportunity to improve or enhance the floor plan of the space involved. You can accomplish this by revamping the home decor to include furniture that fits with the room, adding storage solutions and planning the set up of your utilities. You can opt for an open floor plan if you’re willing to make a significant investment. 

Repurpose Spaces 

Home remodels are a great way to repurpose rooms you’re not using into something more applicable. You can choose to turn your attic into an amateur studio, for instance, or transform your basement into an extra bedroom. We offer the best remodeling services in Newton, so call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!…

What to Consider When Remodeling Your Home

Working on a home remodel can be a bit hectic if you don’t know what to expect. There are multiple issues to consider to enhance your chances of success. Some of the things you should keep in mind when dealing with a Newton MA home remodeling project include: 

Supervisory Needs  

It’s advisable to ensure that either you or someone you trust is around to watch over the workforce once work begins. Just because a firm seems trustworthy doesn’t mean that you should give them free rein of your abode. Having someone supervise the activities ensures your privacy isn’t invaded. 

Cordon Solutions 

In some cases, the work taking place could make that space a danger zone until it’s complete. If you live in a house with curious and adventurous children, you’ll need to consider effective ways of ensuring that they don’t access these areas. You can use zip walls and wooden barriers to block off entrances you can’t lock. 

Safety Precautions 

Apart from cordoning off the areas involved, it’s essential to consider other safety precautions. If you’re painting the house, for instance, it’s essential to have a mask on when spending time in the areas involved to protect against toxic fumes. If you’re looking for reliable contracting services at an affordable cost, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!…

Where to Start With a Home Remodeling Project

If you’ve never handled a home remodeling project before, you might not be sure about how to go about it. Considering everything you would like to do and identifying suitable solutions can seem a bit hectic if you don’t have a solid game plan. Some of the places you can start include: 

Make a List 

You should make a list of everything you want to do before anything else, and then whittle it down to priority needs. The activities on your list should be categorized according to necessity and then further divided by cost. Anything with high necessity levels and low to average costs should be placed at the front of the list. 

Book a Consultancy 

If your project consists of major activities such as room expansion or additions, it’s essential to book a professional consultancy to get a clear picture of what is involved. An established remodeling company is likely to offer you free consultancy sessions to potential clients, so you don’t have to pay over the odds for quality advice. 

Compare Costs 

Once you have sought professional advice, you should have a clearer idea of the possibilities that lie in your financial realm. The final step will involve finding a service that’s not only affordable, but demonstrates quality for money. For the best contracting services in Newton, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!…

Hiring a Contractor vs. DIY Home Remodeling

Initiating a home remodel is a great way to enhance the aesthetics of a house, as well as improve functionality. One of the major questions faced with this project is whether to hire a professional to handle the work or take on the activities yourself. There are a few elements that you should consider when trying to determine the best approach for your particular needs. Some of these include: 

Cosmetic Changes 

If the remodeling changes involved are generally cosmetic, it can probably be categorized as a do-it-yourself project. General work like painting, hanging shelves, or retiling the backsplash can be handled with a few simple instructions. It’s also likely to cause less damage if you get things wrong and can be cheaply readdressed. 

Specialty Needs 

Specialty needs refer to any work that requires training and experience to complete. Rerouting the electrical wiring of a house, for example, should be handled by a professional. Reconnecting a bathtub on the opposite side of the room is best handled by a plumber. 

Regulation Requirements 

Depending on your location, you might need to ensure that some of your remodeling projects meet the regulation standards of the area. Installing a fence, for example, can require you to ensure it’s a particular height. If you’re looking for professional help with your home remodel, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!…

How to Get the Most Out of Your Home Remodel

Home remodels can be quite costly if not handled with care. Getting your money’s worth is an essential part of any remodel, and a goal that can be accomplished with a few effective strategies. 

Some simple ways to get the best out of your home remodeling project include: 

Focus on Efficiency 

You should focus on the efficiency of the room and not simply raise aesthetics. Every homeowner would want a beautiful kitchen, but those wants shouldn’t blind individuals to the need for functionality. The plumbing and lighting, for example, should be addressed before a fresh paint job. 

Expand the Square Footage 

Expanding the total square footage of your home is a great way to increase its resale value. The more the square footage added, the higher the resale price is likely to be. You can accomplish this objective in several ways, including adding a deck, linking the shed to the main house, or simply expanding one of the sides of the house. 

Avoid Invasive Procedures 

Avoiding any activities that need significant changes involving electrical wiring, major plumbing or construction alterations can greatly lower your overall budget. Apart from the costs involved with these activities, you’ll likely also need to apply for different licenses and permits. If you’re looking for a reliable home remodeling company, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!…

Choosing the Right Materials for Your Home Remodel

One of the biggest aspects considered with any remodel is the materials implemented with the project. Some of the elements you should consider when looking through materials for your Newton MA home remodeling project include: 

Environmental Conditions  

The climate will play a significant role in aspects such as the durability and longevity of the material. If you live in a humid environment, you should opt for materials with a lower thermal loss such as hardwoods, ceramic tiles, and concrete. If you live in colder conditions you might want to add spray foam insulation with your alterations. 

Lifestyle and Durability 

The durability of a material is not only based on quality, but suitability as well. Glass tiles might not break at the slightest touch, but if you reside in a household full of rampaging children, such accidents could be prone to happen. The potential durability of your chosen material will depend on your lifestyle and the activities involved. 


The maintenance costs involved with your chosen materials will be determined by aspects such as the quality involved, the success of installation, and treatment and care. Some hardy materials like concrete and laminate that feature affordable maintenance expenses. If you’re seeking the best solution for your home remodel, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!…

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