How To Perform A Budget Bathroom Remodel

One of the primary elements that make a lot of homeowners hesitate when it comes to bathroom remodels is the potential costs involved. This is one of the essential sections of a house, and in some cases, that fact by itself can make it more expensive as compared to somewhat trivial sections such as bedrooms and the lounge. Some effective ways you can accomplish a bathroom remodel on a budget include:

Refurbish over Replacement

You don’t always have to replace everything when dealing with a Newton MA bathroom remodeling project. Choosing to refurbish existing fixtures to make them seem like new again is a great alternative. Applying a fresh coat of varnish or paint on your vanity cabinets, for instance, can give these items a fresh look without having to pay over the odds for a new set.

Plan in Stages

Another thing a lot of people don’t take into consideration is that you don’t have to complete everything at once. You can work on your bathroom renovation over an extended period, addressing a new element each time you reach a financial target. It might take longer, but this strategy will definitely be easier on the pockets and won’t leave you indebted.

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Benefits of Painting Your House 

Leaving your residence to take on a dilapidated appearance with the paint peeling off the walls and fading to oblivion in some sections is never a good look, and can be quite costly in the long run. Some of the benefits you can enjoy with getting a paint job include: 

Enhancing the Resale Value 

If you view your house as a future investment, then it’s essential to ensure this asset remains in the best possible condition and can potentially rise in value. The best way of ensuring this objective is through maintaining its overall condition. Hiring a painting contractor can raise the value of the house in terms of aesthetics and related factors. 

Enhances Curb Appeal 

Unless you live out in the middle of nowhere, you likely have a couple of neighbors around you. The last thing you want is to have your house sticking out like a sore thumb in the middle of a beautiful suburb. This not only has to do with conformity, but the potential pride you can have in the property you own. 

Protect against the Elements 

A fresh coat of paint can protect against external elements including harsh weather, humid conditions, and insects. Although seemingly insignificant when taken at face value, these aspects can wreak havoc on your residence over an extended period. If you’re looking for affordable painting services, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor.…

Why You Should Hire a Professional House Painter 

Painting your house might seem like an easy activity, but there are a lot of things to consider when it comes to initiating an actual plan of action. If you’re simply looking to slap on a fresh coat over the old one, then a DIY project might be suitable. However, if you want the work to look professional – then you’ll need to hire a professional. 

Some excellent reasons why you should hire a professional painter include: 

Better Quality

No matter how much previous experience you might have with painting projects, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll be able to conduct the work as well as an expert would. There’s a major difference between amateur exposure and professional training. Just because you’ve done it before doesn’t mean you’re on the same level as someone with certified skills. 

Faster Completion 

Many contracting companies will have the manpower available to finish big projects in a reasonably short period of time. If you need to maintain a particular schedule with your painting project, then handling the scope of work involved with your friends and family might not cut it. 

Avoid Cleaning Up the Aftermath 

A lot of people don’t consider the significant mess that results from a major painting project. Luckily taking care of this problem is part of the services included with a professional. If you’re not keen on cleaning up after a major project call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor.…

Stages of a Kitchen Remodel

Kitchen remodels are a great way to improve the functionality of this space, as well as enhance the overall resale value of your home. If it’s your first time undertaking such a project, you might not be sure about what to expect. These renovation activities take on a simple course, and can be categorized into three primary stages, they include: 

Planning and Preparation 

Before any kitchen remodeling activities can take place, you need to identify your particular needs and requirements concerning the project. This can include aspects such as choosing particular layouts and color schemes, highlighting the primary objective of the renovation, and seeking a reliable contractor. 

Renovation Activities 

Once you have an established plan, you can delve into the actual activities involved with the renovation. It’s advisable to have a professional handle this stage of the process, no matter how tempting a DIY approach might seem. Hiring an established contractor ensures that this stage can take place without a hitch. 


Many people don’t consider this last stage, but most renovation activities tend to leave some level of dirt and debris behind. Clearing these elements is necessary before you can enjoy your new kitchen. Luckily, you also won’t have to handle this stage if you’ve hired a professional. If you want to give your kitchen a new and attractive look, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor.…

Benefits of Remodeling Your Kitchen

A kitchen renovation project shouldn’t simply be viewed as an expense, as these activities can tend to pay for themselves in a variety of ways. As such, homeowners can view these remodels as an investment that will bear fruit soon. Some of the benefits you can enjoy with remodeling your kitchen include: 

Enhances Resale Value 

Hiring a Newton MA kitchen remodeling contractor can increase the overall value of your home by thousands of dollars should you decide to sell in the future. The actual increase in value will depend on the particular changes made. Focusing on the actual fixtures of the house instead of appliances is an effective means of ensuring this rise in value. 

Improved Functionality 

Kitchen remodeling projects allow you to deal with any problematic issues, improving the overall functionality of this space. You can choose to install a bigger sink, for example, that allows you to handle large piles of dishes without having to manage the potential clutter involved with smaller spaces. 

Identify Potential Problems 

A renovation project can also help you to identify problems you might not have otherwise realized until it was too late. Changing the sink, for instance, might lead you to discover the onset of rust in the plumbing which could have caused irreparable damage if left unchecked. If you want to create a practical and beautiful kitchen space, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor. …

Finding the Right Contractor to Remodel Your Kitchen

Multiple benefits can be enjoyed from kitchen remodel projects, but the work done must exude quality and professionalism for any of these advantages to come into play. The best way to ensure such results is through hiring an adequate contractor to fulfill your needs. 

Some of the strategies you can implement to identify the right contractor for your Newton MA kitchen remodeling needs include: 

Opt for Established Businesses 

Hiring a professional firm greatly enhances your chances of undertaking a successful renovation. Calling the local handyman, as capable as they may seem, entails some risks that could cause the downfall of your project. An established firm ensures you can get professionals who know what they’re doing. 

Evaluate your Options 

You should never settle for the first option you come across when looking for renovation solutions. There are numerous contractors available in the market, but not all of them offer efficient levels of quality. It’s crucial to go through multiple alternatives to determine the best option for your needs. 

Ask for References 

It should be noted that there’s a difference between references and examples. A contractor shouldn’t give you an example of the work they can do, but rather refer you to projects they have undertaken. If you’re seeking reliable kitchen remodeling solutions, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor.…

How to Identify a Successful Kitchen Remodel

The kitchen is one of the more popular sections of the house when it comes to remodeling projects, as it represents a primary shared space. However, if it’s your first time undertaking such a project, you might not be sure about how to judge the result. 

Some of the things you should take into consideration when determining the success of a kitchen remodeling project include: 

Workable Layout 

The layout deals with how the spacing has been utilized during a remodel. There must be adequate space to comfortably move around when working in the kitchen, especially when there are a couple of people in the room at once. Some homeowners tend to get carried away with additions and extensions and forget to consider spatial requirements. 

Quality Materials 

The materials that are integrated into the project also determine overall success. Some alternatives might look good at face value but are likely to crack, fade or break within a short period. It’s important to take note of what materials have been utilized and their suitability for the project. 

Aesthetic Value 

Although appearance may not be the most important element to consider when gauging a successful remodel, it’s still a significant aspect. One of the main aims of any remodeling project is to improve the overall look of the space involved. If you want to ensure your remodel is a guaranteed success, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor.…

How to Find a Good Contractor for Your Deck Building Project

Adding a deck to your house can offer multiple benefits if addressed properly. As simple as this structure might appear at face value, simple mistakes can lead to multiple problems. Hiring a professional is your best shot at avoiding such cases. 

Some useful tips you can implement when looking for reliable professional deck builders include: 

Face to Face Meetings 

Face-to-face interviews allow you to get a firsthand feel of a candidate to see if any sense of trepidation kicks in, or both parties will get along. Working with someone you’re not necessarily inclined to can lead to a strained relationship. This in turn could affect the quality of work involved. 

Certification and Recognized Memberships 

Many professional contractors will have several certificates supporting their expertise in their profession. These qualifications should be from recognized bodies such as InterNACHI® (International Association of Certified Home Inspectors) and NADRA (North American Deck and Railing Association). 

Use Specific Questions 

Anyone can easily answer generic questions such as how long a project will take or discuss budget estimates. However, particular questions such as the effect of different elevations require experience to answer properly. If you’re looking for reliable deck builders in your area, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor.…

Why You Should Hire a Professional to Build Your Deck

Building a deck is a great way to enhance the aesthetics of your home and is an excellent place to rest and relax during hot summer days. As simple as some deck designs might appear, hiring a professional to do the job is always a good idea if you want the project done right. 

Some of the primary reasons you should hire a professional porch builder to construct your deck include: 

Enhanced Safety 

Many deck designs consist of an elevated structure that can be lifted between 6 to 30 inches off the ground. If the floor hasn’t been laid properly, individuals could fall through the setup, leading to potential injuries. Hiring a professional ensures that shoddy work doesn’t lead to potential casualties. 

Improved Quality 

Needless to say, professionals will always do a better job compared to amateurs. Some elements require experience when undertaking such a project, including dealing with elements such as the horizontal beams that hold up the framing, and the header joists and ledgers which serve as anchors to the house. 

Improved Efficiency 

Professionals can complete these construction projects in a short period. Erecting a deck at the front of your house, for example, can hinder the entrance and make it hard for you to receive visitors – so the sooner it’s done the better. If you’re looking for reliable professional deck builders, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor.…

Remodeling Your Kitchen on a Budget

One of the reasons many people are hesitant about kitchen remodels is the belief that they represent a huge investment. However, a kitchen remodel doesn’t have to drain your finances when approached in the right way. 

Some effective ways of lowering your kitchen remodeling expenses include: 

Focus on Necessities 

Contrary to popular belief, remodeling projects are not based on the aesthetics of the room involved, but rather focus on providing a more efficient space in the long run. Improving the functionality of your kitchen without necessarily changing its appearance is a great way to lower expenses. 

Undertake your Project in Stages 

Another misleading concept about renovation activities is that everything has to be completed at a go. However, you can choose to handle different aspects of your project at different stages. This will reduce the overall strain on your budget. You can start from the most important elements required and work your way down. 

Stick to the Budget 

In some cases, people tend to overspend because they come across attractive options they hadn’t previously planned for. It’s essential to establish a budget and stick to it when undertaking a renovation project. If you would like a professional to help keep your spending down, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor.…

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