What to Consider with a Deck Rebuild

Offering the best craftsmanship and an elevated customer service in MA since 2019

If you’re looking for an effective means of revamping your home’s curb appeal, remodeling the deck can be a great place to start. If you already have an existing structure, initiating a rebuild can be more effective than starting from scratch. 

Some of the major elements you should consider when working on a rebuild project with Deck Rebuilders include: 


The first element to consider when dealing with a rebuild is whether to maintain the same materials or replace the structure with a new alternative. It’s always wise to consider options with the best quality and high levels of durability. You might choose to replace natural wood, for example, with a pressure-treated alternative. 

DIY vs. Hiring a Professional

Many people think that just because they’re dealing with a rebuild instead of building a structure from scratch means that they can handle the task independently. However, if you have no prior experience, you’re likely to be prone to accidents, structural mistakes, and poor quality results. 

Inspecting the Underbelly

A common mistake most amateurs make when going through their aging deck is forgetting to check the underbelly of the construction. These are the areas that are likely to be susceptible to issues like mold and rot. Hiring a professional to inspect while instigating a rebuild is advisable, so call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor.

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