What to Consider with a Bathroom Remodel

Offering the best craftsmanship and an elevated customer service in MA since 2019

If you’re looking for an effective means of enhancing the functionality of your home, you might want to consider a bathroom remodel. Being one of the smaller sections of a house, the bathroom represents one of the more affordable options available when dealing with a home remodel. 

Some of the aspects you should consider when dealing with a Bathroom Remodeling project include: 

Maximizing Space 

One of the crucial elements to consider with any remodel is the utilization of space. It’s important to consider spatial practicality when working with additional installations or major fixtures. If you want a bigger tub, for instance, placing it in a corner will take up less space. 

Permit Applications 

Another issue many homeowners fail to consider is the need for permits when working on certain projects. Anything that involves the movement of a load-bearing wall, for instance, will require a construction permit. Any work involving rewiring work will require an electrical permit. It’s crucial to acquire such permission to avoid heft fines. 

Enhanced Lighting 

The kind of lighting you integrate can have a significant impact on the ambiance. You can opt for warm lightings such as yellows and reds if you’re looking to instill a cozy atmosphere, or go for LED white light for a more lively environment. For the best bathroom remodeling services on the market, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor.

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