What to Consider When Building a Deck

Offering the best craftsmanship and an elevated customer service in MA since 2019

Exterior remodeling projects have grown in popularity since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, with more and more homeowners seeking home improvement solutions that can improve the quality of life for their household as well as increase the house’s potential resale value. Despite the apparent simplicity of this structure, building a reliable extension can be a tricky subject without any expertise or experience. There are multiple issues to consider to ensure your endeavor is successful. Some essential factors to consider when building a deck include: 

Intended Function 

The first issue to consider is the intended purpose of the extension as this will play a significant role in determining a suitable design. A traditional porch can adopt an orthodox and simplistic approach as all they will require is adequate space for some outdoor furnishings and a clear and safe entryway into the residence. A bespoke solution, on the other hand, will likely involve a more complicated approach and careful consideration when developing an appropriate blueprint. It’s worth noting that the functionality an individual targets with their deck must be practical in terms of how applicable it is to the surroundings and circumstances. A multi-level decking design, for example, might not be possible when dealing with limited space where the compound features more width than length. Such a case would be more suitable for a wraparound deck. Consulting with your Porch Builders is advisable before settling on a particular function for a deck. 

Building Codes and HOA Regulations 

One of the main reasons that hiring professional Porch Builders is advisable compared to undertaking a deck construction as a DIY is the need to adhere to the building codes of the region. Most municipalities have a collection of deck-building codes that govern the erection of these structures. Failure to adhere to these guidelines can result in hefty fines and in worst-case scenarios lead to a demolition notice. Building authorities ensure these codes are adhered to by requiring homeowners to apply for a deck building permit before they can commence their construction. Applying for these permits involves the submission of a scaled drawing of the intended deck which must be approved after it has been determined that it meets all the guidelines related to its construction. Neighborhoods governed by homeowners associations (HOAs) can also impact the kind of deck implemented with a home. Some associations insist on maintaining uniformity within residences and as such limit the designs that can be implemented with construction. 

Privacy Concerns 

One element few individuals tend to consider when considering a deck-building project is the issue of privacy. The placement of your deck combined with its design can determine the level of seclusion enjoyed with your extension. One of the simplest ways to gain some isolation from the public is by positioning the deck in your backyard. Another straightforward means of accomplishing this objective is by installing privacy screens around the area. Garden fences or trees are an eco-friendly alternative that can greatly enhance curb appeal as well as achieve some peaceful solitude. 

For the best decking solutions available in the market, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!

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