The attic can be a tricky place to deal with when working on a home remodel. Transforming this area into a game room can be a great means of utilizing the attic and maximizing your home’s space.
Strengthening the Floor
Having your Remodeling Contractors reinforce the base of your attic floor is crucial when working on a game room. This room will likely host multiple people who will likely be moving about, as well as bear a load of heavy gaming systems housed in independent seating decks. You can accomplish this by strengthening the floor joists through a bridging process.
Integrate Natural Light
Adding a few extra windows to the attic can enhance the amount of natural light coming into the room, as well as encourage ventilation. If there isn’t enough space to install a vertical window, adding skylights is an effective affordable alternative. Skylights will also have a further reach in terms of natural light access to the room.
Carpeting and Insulation
Installing a carpet to your attic’s floor and insulating your walls are effective ways of encouraging heat retention. As the topmost part of a residence, the attic tends to be colder than the rest of the house. If you’re planning to spend extended periods in this region, padding this room enhances potential comfort levels. For more attic remodeling ideas, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor.