Planning an Exterior Remodeling Project

Offering the best craftsmanship and an elevated customer service in MA since 2019

Millions of homeowners undertake some kind of remodeling project every year, with this industry projected to reach a valuation of over $400 billion by the end of 2023. A 2020 research published by Zippia found that at least 76% of homeowners in the US took part in a home improvement project. The growing popularity of these ventures is reflected in the fact that individuals spent an average of $10,341 on remodeling projects in 2021, which represented a 25% rise from the year before. One of the main decisions met by individuals considering a home improvement endeavor is choosing between interior and exterior remodeling projects. Homeowners focusing on curb appeal as their primary objective will generally view exterior renovations as their best chance of accomplishing this objective. 

Working on an exterior renovation might seem like a straightforward issue, but curb appeal isn’t always the simplest objective to accomplish when seeking quality results with your Home Remodeling Newton MA project. Some of the primary elements to consider with an exterior remodeling project include: 

Scheduling the Project 

Timing your venture is crucial to the success of your project as exterior remodeling is greatly affected by the weather. Contractors recommend summer and fall as the best time to conduct any venture as the sunny weather makes it easier to handle activities such as painting and tiling. It should be noted, however, that these months also represent the peak season for renovations, and as such services tend to be more expensive. Winter, on the other hand, represents the low season and is the best time for individuals working on a budget. Households with children might also find it difficult to remodel their premises during the holidays as the residence will be packed with people moving in and out, making it harder for workers to complete their functions. 

Notifying your Neighbors 

Notifying your neighbors beforehand is advisable when working on extensive exterior remodeling projects as the commotion is likely to affect any serene environment. Letting your neighbors know about the project at least a week beforehand can help them mentally prepare for the potential noise involved with the commotion. Activities such as installing new siding and deck-building can involve a lot of clamor which can be quite disconcerting if one isn’t ready for the racket. Planning a majority of your activities to commence from midmorning and end in the early evening will avoid rude awakenings and allow individuals next door to enjoy a peaceful end to their day. 

Waste Management 

Dealing with leftover waste is an element that many people don’t usually consider when planning remodeling projects. Established Home Remodeling Newton MA firms will generally handle this duty on behalf of their clients, but taking on the work as a DIY can serve to lower the overall cost of the renovation. Renovation waste generally consists of building materials, hazardous waste, and demolition debris. The kind of waste involved will determine the best means of disposal. Materials and debris can be carted off to a landfill while chemicals and other hazardous materials should be disposed of in a licensed disposal site. 

For high-quality exterior renovation services at affordable rates, call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!

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