Natick, Massachusetts, is a quaint town located in the heart of New England. The city was first settled in 1657 and has become a popular tourist destination. Natick is known for its colonial history, charming small-town atmosphere, and beautiful natural scenery. There are many things to do in Natick, from hiking and fishing in the nearby woods to shopping and dining in the charming downtown district. So if you’re looking for a relaxing weekend getaway or a picturesque place to live, Natick is worth consideration. Learn information about Framingham, MA.
Natick is a town in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States. Natick is located near the center of the MetroWest region of Massachusetts, with a population of 32,786 at the 2010 census. Natick is home to the Natick Mall, one of the largest malls in New England. Europeans first settled the town in 1651 and were officially incorporated in 1781. The name Natick comes from the Native American tribe who lived there before European settlers arrived. Natick has a long history dating back to colonial times. It was one of the first towns to be settled in Massachusetts and has been an essential part of the state ever since. Natick played a role in both the American Revolution and the Civil War. Discover facts about A Tour of Ashland in Massachusetts: A Picturesque Small Town in the Berkshires.