Maintaining a Wooden Deck

Offering the best craftsmanship and an elevated customer service in MA since 2019

Adding a deck to your home is a great means of enhancing the square footage of your residence, enhancing its resale value, and providing an extra space to rest, relax and enjoy the cool breeze after a long day. Millions of homes across the country have taken to installing this extension when looking to improve the curb appeal of their home, with their inclusion allowing for a variety of solutions when it comes to hosting applications. From simple seating areas to outdoor entertainment centers and barbeque areas, decks can be transformed into a personal space that can significantly improve the quality of life enjoyed by the household. 

A majority of decks are made of wood as it’s the most available resource, making it a cost-effective alternative. Depending on the particular lumber implemented with construction, these extensions can last between 10 to 30 years, but only with proper care and maintenance. Some effective ways an individual can maintain their wooden deck include: 

Regular Cleaning 

Any established Wellesley MA Porch Builder will tell you that doing the simple things can go a long way when it comes to deck maintenance. Many of the threats that attack these structures can generally be avoided through regular cleaning. Sweeping the area at least once a day and weekly washing helps to avoid the build-up of debris, which in turn can prevent the onset of infestation as insects will have nowhere to burrow and hide. The lack of debris such as fallen leaves can also prevent the development of problems such as molding and discoloration. The cleaning process can be accomplished with soap, some warm water, and a soft-bristled brush. Brushing between the planks now and then is also recommended during the weekly cleaning to remove any grime that might build up and be hard to reach. Using wood cleaners at least once a year is also recommended. Some common wood cleaners that can be used include chlorine bleach, hydrogen peroxide, and oxalic solutions. 

Address Any Repairs Immediately 

Procrastination is another element that should be avoided when dealing with the upkeep of one’s deck. Any repairs that are required must be addressed as soon as possible, as delays will likely only make the problem worse and require more resources to address. Wood can tend to shrink or swell as it ages, for instance, which in turn can lead to nails and screws coming loose. Taking the time to conduct a quick inspection of this installation every few weeks can help you identify any areas in need of attention before matters get worse. Checking the surface for threats such as rot and mold is also crucial as these issues tend to spread at a uniquely fast pace and even the slightest hesitation can mean that the entire structure has to be replaced. Hiring a professional Wellesley MA Porch Builder to carry out an annual inspection is also a great way to ensure that the less notable aspects are not missed. 

We offer a wide variety of high-quality deck maintenance and upkeep services, so call us today! Exponential Construction, your preferred contractor!

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