Helpful Bathroom Remodeling Tips

Offering the best craftsmanship and an elevated customer service in MA since 2019

If you have never remodeled your bathroom before, you might not be too sure about what to expect. Although numerous advantages can be enjoyed with the implementation of this venture, it must be addressed appropriately to get the best results possible. Taking the time to familiarize yourself with the different options available with a bathroom renovation can be a good place to start as a newbie. Some helpful tips that can also be implemented with a Newton MA Bathroom Remodeling project include: 

Integrating Niches and Recessed Fixtures 

The bathroom is arguably one of the smaller sections of the house. One of the primary challenges involved with remodeling this area is working with the available space. Integrating niches into the walls is a great storage solution when dealing with limited space. It can also enhance the overall aesthetics of the room. Niches can be integrated into shower cubicles, for instance, for the storage of shampoos and other washing products. Niche shelves are another great way of avoiding protrusive fixtures from invading an already restricted space, while recessed lighting can influence the general ambiance of your bathroom. 

Consider Ventilation Solutions 

If you’re seeking to not only enhance the functionality of your bathroom but improve the overall experience enjoyed, ventilation should play a crucial factor in your project. Bathrooms tend to feature constantly high levels of moisture. In most cases, these moisture levels can’t be adequately addressed with natural AC solutions such as opening the windows. Two effective approaches you can take when addressing this problem are installing an exhaust fan or a dehumidifier. You should make a note of the potential noise levels of an exhaust fan as volumes tend to be exaggerated in small spaces. A loud fan could ruin the potential peace and tranquility you can enjoy with your bath. 

Hire a Bathroom Expert 

Identifying contractors that have vast experience in Newton MA Bathroom Remodeling projects automatically enhances your chances of success. Although general contractors may be qualified on paper to perform the activities involved with your venture, finding a candidate that has worked on numerous similar projects in the past can greatly enhance your potential results. Such options will not only be capable of delivering your specific needs but could offer helpful suggestions on how to improve your overall design. 

Choosing the Right Material 

Because of the high moisture levels and water fixtures found in a bathroom, choosing the right material is crucial to your design. It’s essential that your choice is suitably waterproof and can remain defiant in a constantly humid atmosphere. Wood, for example, might seem like a pleasingly aesthetic option – but is impractical in such an environment as it will be prone to water damage. The best option for bathroom walls and floors include porcelain and ceramic tiles, as they’re greatly waterproof and function excellently in humid environments. You can also opt for glass tiles on the walls, but this solution isn’t suitable for flooring. 

If it’s your first time planning a bathroom remodel, call us today! Exponential construction, your preferred contractor! 

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